I am going to assume that if you smoke, it's because you enjoy doing it, right? Whether you call it an addiction, a favorite past time, relaxing or fun, I highly doubt that anyone smokes because they're forced to do so. With that being said, here are some questions I have for people who smoke:
- Why do you think you can cover up the smokey smell with perfume or cologne? Sorry, but you just smell like stinky perfume or cologne.
- Why do you try to hide it? It's in your clothes, your hair, your skin, your car, your house, the upholstery of your car, the wood in your house...I don't care how much you think you've cleaned, a non-smoker can tell.
- Do you smoke for the smoke or for the nicotine?
- So...you KNOW you're slowly killing yourself and everyone around you, right?
- Why, when you smoke in your car, do you roll down the window and blow it out of the window? Don't you want all that smoke in there with you? Do us non-smokers a favor and keep your window rolled up, so your smoke won't blow back into the cars behind you.
- Do you not think you're breath doesn't stink? Do us all a favor and carry trial sized bottles of Scope, Listerine or something on your person at all times. Thank you. Much appreciated.
- Why do you think you have a right to smoke in public places? (e.g. right outside the door of a store). We don't have the right to pee anywhere we want to, so why should you have the right to put public health in jeopardy?
- Am I supposed to feel sorry for you when you get lung cancer or have chronic asthma?
- What makes it okay for you to throw your cigarette butts on the ground or out the window of your moving car? It's still called littering and still illegal.
- Will you please heed the warnings of not filling up your gas tank while smoking...especially when I'm at the same gas station?