Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Flaws and All

I really do thank God, I had God-fearing parents.  I don't think I would be the person that I am today, if I didn't.  Don't get it twisted, I have no "golden rule" book...I have the Bible.  Just because I read it, doesn't mean I think I'm perfect, I've arrived or any thing like that.  I don't see myself as better than anyone, I see myself as a Godly creation with flaws.  Sound a bit like an oxymoron?  Yes!  And that's the beauty of it.  I was created by a perfect God...flaws and all.

I'm flawed genetically because I see the same ailments in me that are in my parents.  I'm flawed emotionally because I was reared by imperfect parents, in an imperfect family and have been bounced around this imperfect world for 40 plus years.  I'm imperfect physically because I liked food more than exercise, and straight, over-relaxed hair more than my own beautifully coiled locks.

So, I wonder then, why God would you even bother to create such imperfect creatures like me?  And the answer is, our imperfections build character.  Our imperfections are character builders for others as well.  Sometimes the imperfections and flaws we see in ourselves aren't seen as such to others.  This is why I can embrace ALL of my flaws.  From the emotional to the physical, I'm beautiful...flaws and all. :)

The Chronic Pain Chronicles, Part 11: A NEW Normal

 If you're looking at the date, yes, you've noticed that I haven't written or updated my blog in quite some time. What can I say...