Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael and Farrah

Today a "king" and an "angel" died. Both of whom made their mark on this earth in unforgettable ways. No one will replace the "king of pop" and about every 10 years the "Farrah feathered flip" hairstyle will come back in style.
When I think of Michael Jackson, I think of how tormented he must have been to disfigure his face. What was the condition of his soul when he died? A man who "loved" children in a way that made any other adult uncomfortable, a man who's behavior was always in question; everyone remembers the pajama bottoms he wore to his court hearing and the way he held his child off the railing of a balcony. I sometimes wonder if we ever got to know the real Michael Jackson because it really looks as if he really didn't get to find that out himself.
Farrah will forever be the golden haired pin up girl of the 80s, who dated Lee Majors and had a torrential relationship with Ryan O'Neal. I watched her documentary, and not to belittle it but there are people on this earth that have the same story or worse. So, why did everyone tune in to hers? Was it only because of her celebrity status? Probably so.
I had a thought I posted on Facebook. I said, "What if the name JESUS was spoken as often as the name Michael Jackson today?!? It would be the start of the first global revival!" What if it grieved GOD to hear the cry, sorrow and grief for a celebrity who has done very little for them (in comparison to what GOD has done for us) and has to be appeased by the one day we give him, once a week? How grievous and jealous GOD must be. 'Nuff said.

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