Friday, March 27, 2015

A Hoosier Living in the Land of Indiana's New "Religious Freedom" Law

Unless you've been living in the Galapagos, most have seen or heard of Indiana's new religious freedom law, which is really an amendment to Indiana's civil procedure called, "Chapter 9. Religious Freedom Restoration". This law was very short-sighted. As a Christian, I have the right to say, "I'm sorry, I can't marry you because I'm a Christian and I won't perform a wedding with a buddah shrine and chanting monks because it is against my religious beliefs." and I appreciate that right being protected but, is that discrimination? There are some churches that will not marry you or let you use their facilities because you are not an active member. Is that discrimination? A restaurant owner can put a sign on the storefront that says, "No shirt. No shoes. No service." Is that discrimination? Why is only one of those examples needing the support of a law?

It is because of the "possibility" or fear that this law will be used for what it was never intended, that Indiana will suffer the consequences (via our economy). This law should never have been created, let alone passed. Why? It shouldn't have been necessary. If an establishment doesn't want to serve you, what happened to going to the next one? If a restaurant doesn't want to serve me, I'd rather leave than take the risk that they would put something non-edible in my food. If I want to do something about that incident, report it to the Indiana Civil Rights Commission and let them investigate. The negative press alone will bring that establishment to its knees and make them think twice about discriminating again.

Regarding the labels on the window storefronts? How much more can people overreact? I think the obvious difference between this law and the 1968 Civil Rights Act is color. I have NO "homosexual radar". Unless you are flamboyantly effeminate as a male or masculine as a female, I don't have a clue until you tell me. And even if I know, I just don't care. To even assume someone is gay is idiotic. I go out to eat with my sisters or female friends and if anyone thought we were gay, they either didn't let us know or didn't care.

This law was attempting to fix a "mole hill" and extremist decided to make it into a "mountain". What retail chain of bars, restaurants, hotels, gyms, bakeries, etc. would have the stupidity to reject someone based on race, sexual orientation or gender if they want to maintain their business and create revenue?

Just another law to give Christians a bad rap.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Parental Discretion Is Advised

I recently read an article written by a friend upset that elementary aged children knew more about the primetime drama, #Empire than she did. It's frank, direct, passionate and worth the read.

"...parental discretion is advised." Remember hearing that audible message as a child? If you're over 40 you probably do, if under 40 you may not. That audible message was an alert for parents. (I think my Mother could hear it from the other side of the house because I would immediately have to change the channel or turn the TV off.)  Unfortunately, I believe it was in the 90s that the FCC made TV Parental Guidelines voluntary and no longer mandatory. The audible voice has now been replaced with an icon that is shown 15 seconds before the show starts, but it's one of those things that we don't really "see" anymore OR parents don't even know what it means.

I am not a parent, but I believe parents are savvy enough with social media to not only be aware, but engage the appropriate safety measures to ensure their children do not have access to what they should not watch without parental consent or guidance. If you have cable or satellite television, you can engage the parental safety lock. Yes, it may take time to research how to do it for your system, but aren't your children worth it? Don't allow your children to be taught by "reality" TV,  the "Housewives of blah, blah, blah" franchise or primetime dramas regarding what is socially acceptable or not. As a parent, it is up to you to be the bigger, better influence regarding morals and social graces.

I was talking to a friend a few days ago and I asked her a couple of questions. "When did morality become a relative term?" The words moral and morality have taken on a life of its own. In the 15th century when the word was first used, moral in Latin (moralis) meant "proper behavior of a person in society," literally "pertaining to manners. Today morals have been mostly reduced to what an individual deems as right or wrong in their own mind and from their own experience. All too often I run into individuals with attitudes that say, "It's right as long as you don't get caught."

CLEARLY we are now living in a world that Paul describes in 1 Timothy 4:1-2. "Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, and having their conscience seared,..." Most of what is currently on television is definitely fulfilled by this scripture. The Eastern Standard Version of the Bible says, "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared,..." I find it hard to believe any parent or caregiver would want a child to intentionally be misled, lied to or have no conscience regarding morality. Don't allow those errors and lapse in proper judgement to become reality to your child/children.

Friday, March 06, 2015

Pride and Fear; Humility and Trust

I had a revelation that hit me really hard. When I first got married, I thought if I could control the household and finances, my husband and I would be safe. I was reared to be financially responsible, know the importance of getting an education and to be a charitable adult with a full-time job, benefits and a 401(k). I had the better career and the greater salary. The house and cars were in my name. If I could maintain this state, we would be "set" for the rest of our I thought. I thought by doing these "right" things would please God.

Fast forward 11 years later (2010) and all "my" planning was turned upside down. I realize now that I never fully surrendered a part of my marriage to God. Yes, we both served as leaders in the church, however, I never surrendered my "home". There was a fear of things being out of my control. I wanted to blame my precautionary parents who grew up poor and during the depression era. I tried to declare that I was being a "Proverbs 31 woman". Yep...I tried it! (LOL) I realized that pride based in fear had been gripping me for years. I feared failing marriage...failing the life I thought my parents wanted me to live in order to be successful in their eyes. God humbled me. Those three words alone, make me fall to my knees. Now I know why the Bible says, "Humble THYSELF in the sight of the Lord..." because when HE humbles you, it's a devastating type of love so deep it surpasses your comprehension.

Since 1995, after a devastating car accident I began to have minor back problems. Fast forward to 1998 and once again, another car accident. I never knew two ruptured disks in the lumbar region could be so debilitating. I felt as though I had been living at the chiropractor's office for a few years. I can't really complain because it kept me functioning and able to work. This was the beginning of God humbling me. I no longer had control over anything, especially my body. As years past sometimes the pain was worse, sometimes it was better. By 2008, I began to feel pain in my neck. The diagnosis? Degenerative Disk Disease. An MRI showed almost every disk in my cervical spine was bulging or herniated. By now the medical bills were outrageous...even WITH medical insurance and the pain was getting more and more constant. The final blow was losing my job in 2010 (after 10 years of service) and chronic pain and horrific migraine headaches. Fear really began to grip me. I wondered how my husband and I would survive off of his income alone. It was a time where I kept having to declare that I trusted in God, but the medical bills and finances in general made me a bit fearful.

It has now been 10 years since I've been going through this surrendering season. Having initially been humbled by God, I now humble myself by surrendering all of my life and casting out all doubt and fear to receive His unconditional love for me. Every worry or fear I had, I've watched God turn it completely around for me and my husband's favor. I pray that humility and trust will continually be my "new" normal.


I can't believe this year is 2015, we're in the month of March and on the 13th I will have been married for 16 years! Time sure does fly! From this point forward, I will attempt to be more disciplined in writing on my blog. Stay tuned!

The Chronic Pain Chronicles, Part 11: A NEW Normal

 If you're looking at the date, yes, you've noticed that I haven't written or updated my blog in quite some time. What can I say...