Friday, August 21, 2009

Update: Allergic Reaction

My allergic reaction in my "Let Me Tell You About The Time I Almost Died" blog was caused by a sudden allergy to wheat. I found out 2 weeks later I was allergic to cats, dogs and wheat. Since I've had dogs for the past 10 years, I doubt it was my dogs that set off my allergic reaction. The proof that it was the wheat, was me wheezing the weekend I ate some peach cobbler. After taking children's Benadryl, I was completely fine. Now I have an entire lifestyle change occurring in my eating. I'm now a "wheat-free" eating girl!

1 comment:

Mariandy said...

Wow, that sucks!!! My mom thought she was gluten intolerant for a while and had a time with her diet. Wheat is in so many things! Good thing you live within driving distance of some good grocery and health food stores.

The Chronic Pain Chronicles, Part 11: A NEW Normal

 If you're looking at the date, yes, you've noticed that I haven't written or updated my blog in quite some time. What can I say...